Hi, I'm Lea. I'm a 24 year old professional and couponer. After graduating from college (GO BUCKS) I moved to the Metro Atlanta area where I currently reside with my two dogs and two cats. Upon entering the real world with student loan payments the size of a mortgage and a less than desirable salary, I realized I had to find a way to make ends meet, I was NOT going to be a grown up living off of ramen like a college kid. So I started finding ways to 1. make extra money, and 2. find ways to spend less of the money I had. That brought me to couponing. I had always cut coupons, but never understood how to make it lucrative. Well I've learned, and it truly blows my mind how much money I could have been saving all along. But it hasn't stopped there. I've gotten to the point where I refuse to pay retail on ANYTHING unless it's absolutely necessary. This lifestyle has afforded me a lot of opportunities, such as buying a home at the age of twenty three with no cosigner, making sizeable upgrades to said home to add equity and still having a social life. (Contrary to popular belief, couponing does NOT make you an old lady, especially when the savings gives you a means to go out and live life, and not sit at home every Friday night because you’re broke.)
I know, everyone wants to coupon after seeing the T.V. shows. But it’s NOT the right way to do it, you DON’T have to devote your life to couponing, dumpster dive, buy 100 newspapers a week, nor do you have to buy one thousand boxes of cereal at a time and leave the shelves empty. That’s just bad couponing etiquette. Now I want to pay it forward, and teach anyone I can reach that you don't have to live like a pauper just because you have a tight budget, and you also don‘t have to become coupon obsessed and crazy just to save money on everyday living. I'm dedicating this blog to all those out there who have helped me learn to save, in hopes that I can pass it onto others, as it can truly change your life.
What makes me qualified? Well, experience. I never have and never will claim to be the coupon guru (otherwise, this blog would have a completely different name), but I know enough to pass along some savings. I’ve posted a photo of one of my shopping trip results below to prove my “credentials”:
$87.91 of groceries for $23.02
The point of this blog is not to be a one stop shop for all, I don’t have the time or the energy to focus on every store in every region. This site is meant to be a supplemental site. Here you will find weekly deals and coupon matchups for the Southeast region, meaning Kroger, Publix and the occasional Food Lion and Ingles deals. I’ll also post the national store deals that are pretty consistent nationwide, such as Walmart, Walgreens, CVS, Target and Rite Aid. This blog will also be a resource for couponing tips, online coupons, great steals and deals as well as a place to gather and share success stories and advice with one another.
Thanks for visiting, and happy saving!
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