Red Plum

Monday, August 29, 2011

Another Christmas Freebie - $40 Credit at Paper Coterie!

I'm reposting this deal for two reasons: the first is that the deal ends 8/31, so if you're gonna design something, you need to do it now.

The second reason is that my personalized keepsake box was delivered on Friday and it was more wonderful than I could have ever imagined! I created a keepsake book, which is a huge hardcover book that is hollow on this inside to keep special momentos. I designed it for my cousin's wedding and used some of their engagement photos from Facebook. It is BEAUTIFUL!

What a wonderful deal to get early Christmas shopping underway! Paper Coterie is offering a $40 credit through August 31 which makes most, if not all of their products FREE! What is Paper Coterie? They are a photo project site whose goal is to inspire you to document your life and share it with others. You can make photo albums, recipe books, guest books, memory boxes, growth charts, you name it! And you can upload your own photos and add special dates and text. You do have to pay shipping (I paid $9.74), but in the grand scheme of things that is miniscule compared to saving up to $40 on a truely thoughtful gift.Check out Paper Coterie and complete your FREE project before it's too late! Use the code 'beginanywhere' at checkout to apply the credit.

(I'd post a photo of my project, but on the slim chance that my cousin reads, I don't want to ruin the surprise)

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